first took flight 05.1998
an archive of primary activities 1998 through 2002
the Society for Arts + Ecology in Practice
bringing the power of the arts to sustainability

MEDIA COVERAGE + OUTREACH (list 1998 - 2001)

Garden City Vancouver - The Ultimate Guide to Everything Green in Vancouver by Marg Meikle & Dannie McArthur. Published by Polestar Books 1999. The SongBird project - pages 47 through 51
Creating Bird Habitat in Small Places - A guide for balcony, rooftop, window-box & wall plantings using native plants to attract birds. A resource for the gardens of Babylon Balcony Challenge. Produced by the Douglas College Institute of Urban Ecology & the SongBird project January 1999
Songbirds in the City, a Celebration - published by the Douglas College Institute ofUrban Ecology July 1999
Selected Print Media Scans
Georgia Straight Sept 3 - 10 ‘98
Vancouver Courier Aug. 30th ‘98
The Globe and Mail – National News Sept. 7th ‘98
West End Times August 21st ‘98
Westender Aug. 27th ‘98
Common Ground Sept.1998
The Province Sept. 6th ‘98
Western Living Magazine Oct. ‘98
BC Environmental Report Fall ‘98
Westworld Magazine Winter 98/99
The Next City Magazine Winter 98/99
Canadian Living Magazine May ‘99
Vancouver Sun April 30 ‘99
First Nations Drum May ’99
Encompass Magazine Jan/Feb 2000
Vancouver Courier May 3rd 2000
Vancouver Sun May 2nd 2000
Public Art Review Fall/Winter 2000
Georgia Straight March 29, 2001
Vancouver Sun April 2001
Vancouver Courier April 25, 2001
Shared Vision Magazine October 2001
Vancouver Co-op Radio -The Rational July 1998
CBC Radio - Early Edition Aug. 1998
CKNW Radio -Rafe Mair show Sept. 4th 1998
CBC TV - Midmorning Sept. 9th 1998
Radio Canada - interview w/Claire Bédat re: “the Nest” Oct. 11 1998
CKNW Radio - Bill Good show Feb. 9 1999
Canadian Living TV Feb. 24th 1999
Vancouver Co-op Radio - Hastings Reserve April 26th 1999
Vancouver Co-op Radio - When Spirit Whispers April 28th 1999
CBC Radio - Early Edition April 29th 1999
Vision TV - Skylight October 18th 1999
CBC Radio - North by NorthWest May 6th 2000
CBC Arts National - Eve Savory interviews composer Mark Parlett and the students of Captain Cook Elementary School May 2000
CBC Radio - Early Edition May 3rd 2001
CBC Radio - North by Northwest May 5th 2001
CBC Radio - North by Northwest May 6th 2001
CBC Radio (1st Victoria Dawn Chorus event) May 7th 2001